Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ugliest Dog Award

I never thought I'd nominate our cute fluffball of a dog for the Ugliest Dog award, but we had an "incident" that changed my mind. Maddie went to the groomer, and ended up getting nicked by the shaver. The groomer had to halt the haircut, and we had to take Maddie to the vet to get her checked out. When I got to the groomer to pick Maddie up I was all worried about her. However, when they brought her out I burst out laughing! Her body was shaved down to the point that you could see her skin, but her head, tail and feet weren't shaved at all. It's really quite the sight! (The picture just doesn't do it justice.)

Good news is that Maddie checked out AOK at the vet, and she gets her grooming finished up today.

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