Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Jeff & I made it out for a date night last weekend! Thanks to Grandma Maria for babysitting and letting us get out!

We went to a Rochester Redwings baseball game, and had a great time. The weather was perfect and our seats, which were 4 rows off the field, were a whopping $10!! Now this is why we moved back! :)

Our night out made us excited for our Chicago getaway (sans kids), which is coming up Labor Day weekend. It'll be our first vacation away since last May. MUCH needed R&R time!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The grass is greener

A rant session...

We've come to realize that we are spoiled, and I hate it! Whoever thought that living in a townhouse community with a mass of neighbors, and a teeny tiny yard would have been the high life? Turns out that having a HOA to take care of trash, landscaping and other things is truly a good deal!

Jeff and I are in the process of trying to find someone to clean our house. (Like I said- we're spoiled.) Turns out that it costs about double to clean a house in Rochester, NY versus Oakton, VA. Doesn't make sense, right? Add to that the cost to have our lawn mowed on a weekly basis and trash removal, and we are wondering where the "lower cost of living" comes into play.

We (and Brady) miss our neighbors and friends a bunch! It was so nice to walk out of our home and have many willing little friends for Brady to play with. The park was literally right down the street, and we had lots of friends to call up for some fun time or support. There were sidewalks to walk on, and lots of cars/buses/people to see while we did walk. Ahh the good life. Now my kids and I walk in a circle on our driveway for entertainment.

Perhaps I should try to remember the hours we sat in traffic, the cost of a haircut or a morning bagel, or the lack of family in VA? Nah. It's more fun to rant! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Celebrating the old and new!!

We took a day trip to Syracuse this weekend to meet baby Helen and to celebrate Grampa's birthday! All had a good time! KK and Z are doing remarkably well with their new family of four, and Henry and Helen are beautiful children!

Grampa and Gramma had fun with all of their grandchildren, and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to Grampa and helped him eat his cake of course!

And here's Helen! She is a teeny tiny peanut, but she has big hands and feet! You can see one of her hands in this picture.

Ainsley really got into the party spirit...

Brady, Henry, Gramma and Grampa go for a swing!

Friday, July 18, 2008

We're back in action!!

It has been several weeks since an update, and that is because we have been busy getting settled into our new home in Rochester, NY! There are still boxes to unpack and a never ending "to do" list, but I think we have our acts together for the most part!

Brady & Ainsley have acclimated to their new home quite nicely! They are thoroughly enjoying the big yard, driveway and swing set we now have. Brady has recovered from his run in with the table, too. And of course we are all enjoying being closer to family! Although I must say that we are missing our friends terribly. We haven't gotten used to that part of the move yet. :( That, and taking care of a big yard.

Here are a couple pictures of the kids from Grandma Maria's house. You may notice that Ainsley is now sitting up all on her own! She started that a whole month and a half before Brady did. Hopefully that doesn't mean she'll start crawling/walking earlier too.

Brady in the truck that Papa Gene just built!
More exciting news- Brady and Ainsley have a new cousin! Helen Jane Zhe-Heimerman was born on July 13th. We are heading to Syracuse this weekend to meet her, and hope to post some pictures of her soon!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ready or not Rochester... here we come!

So, we have been in Rochester for just about 4 days and a good chunk of that time was spent in the Strong Memorial Hospital Pediatric Emergency Room on Tuesday. Little Brady was chasing after a ball that went under a table at daycare and he just didn't get low enough. SMACK! Right into the edge of it. Here are a few (BlackBerry) pictures of the effects (of the table and some meds that made him a bit loopy.)

6/7 stitches later, and back on his feet jumping around the house. We know we owe you all some pics of the house... but still getting settled. Hopefully this weekend! But no promises ;-)